[Django APP] django-widget-tweaks


pip install django-widget-tweaks




In template

{% load widget_tweaks %}

<!-- change input type (e.g. to HTML5) -->
{% render_field form.search_query type="search" %}

<!-- add/change several attributes -->
{% render_field form.text rows="20" cols="20" title="Hello, world!" %}

<!-- append to an attribute -->
{% render_field form.title class+="css_class_1 css_class_2" %}

<!-- template variables can be used as attribute values -->
{% render_field form.text placeholder=form.text.label %}

{% render_field %} 태그로 렌더링된 필드의 경우 WIDGET_ERROR_CLASS 및 WIDGET_REQUIRED_CLASS 템플릿 변수를 사용하여 오류 클래스 및 필수 필드 클래스를 설정할 수 있습니다.

{% with WIDGET_ERROR_CLASS = 'my_error'WIDGET_REQUIRED_CLASS = 'my_required'%}
    {% render_field form.field1 %}
    {% render_field form.field2 %}
    {% render_field form.field3 %}
{% endwith %}


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